We at Allied Machinery have over 100 years experience between us. We see more problems with machinery in one year than a maintenance mechanic will see in a lifetime of work in your plant. This experience has made us a leader in the machine tool rebuild and control retrofit business.
- Introducing our new line of small air clutch presses, Allied Press; 3.5 tons, 7 tons and 10 tons presses.
- We have solved many problems where those who worked on the machine before us have given up.
- We do not earn as we learn...we specialize in the repair of metal fabricating equipment, punch presses, shears and press brakes.
- We also specialize in machine tool safeguarding and tell it to you like it is in regards to OSHA compliance.
- We service what we sell as well as other major brands.
- We have a large in-house parts department to meet your immediate needs.
Once you experience service from Allied, you will be a customer for Life.
We accept American Express, Mastercard, VISA and Discover.